Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kennedy Lionized on El Piolín in 20 Minute Pro-Obama Call

The El Piolín radio show, the most popular Spanish-language radio show in America (strike that - see the update below - it is the most popular radio show in any language nationwide), with millions of listeners in California and nationwide, gave a BIG buildup for Teddy at 7:40 a.m. California time with a three minute pre-produced bio calling him “the best senator in America” highlighting Kennedy family history and his leadership on education, health care and immigration reform. Here are my notes:

- Teddy comes on, jokes that after hearing that he wants to come on the show every day after hearing the intro. Says he’s challenging Arnold Schwarzenneger (a McCain supporter and Kennedy in-law) to an arm wrestling contest to decide which – Obama or McCain – will be president, and he wants show host Eddie Sotelo to be the judge. Sotelo agrees.

- Kennedy talks about the fight for immigration reform he waged “and at my side from the beginning was Barack Obama.”

- “Obama’s the one that can unite America to make this and other changes happen. He unites old and young, East and West, to bring change.”

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