Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Here Comes Round Two: New Video Shows HRC Making Same False Claim in February

The Jed Report

It's becoming clear that Hillary Clinton has engaged in a deliberate pattern of false statements about her trip to Tuzla, Bosnia -- and now there's additional video evidence.

It comes from a February 29, 2008 campaign stop in Waco, Texas during which she told this version of her sniper fire tale:

One of the great honors of being First Lady and of being a senator is the time that I was privileged to spend with our troops here at home, in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Bosnia, Kosovo, and places around the world. I remember particularly a trip to Bosnia where the welcoming ceremony had to be moved inside because of sniper fire.

This can't be explained away as a "minor blip" or a simple "misstatement."

What we're seeing is a deliberate pattern, and voters deserve a thorough and convincing explanation of what exactly was going through Hillary Clinton's mind.

Until she offers a thorough answer, the questions will continue to mount.

Did she know her statements were false? If she had a false memory, why didn't the people around her who knew the truth tell her? What does that say about the type of presidency she would lead?

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