Friday, March 21, 2008

Money, Money, Money

The Federal Elections Commission(FEC) reports came in yesterday Hillary did not raise $35 million in February.

The Los Anageles Times Reports:
Senate campaign account $10 million
Personal loan $5-million
February Contributions $19 million

The Associated Press Reports:
Most of the $19 million that Hillary raised was offset by unpaid bills or was "general election" money.

Reports filed with the Federal Election commission late Thursday showed that Obama set a single-month fundraising record, with more than $55 million in contributions.

Both Democrats ended up with more than $30 million in the bank, but Clinton can’t use two-thirds of her cash on hand because it’s only for the general election. That and her debt left her with less than $3 million in the black. The debt doesn’t include the $5 million she lent her campaign in January.

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