Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama Watch

n the first sign that voters are coalescing around Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee, two daily tracking polls notice a widening of the gap over his Republican rival John McCain. Both Gallup and Rasmussen now have Obama holding a gap of 6% over McCain. The numbers in parentheses show the point change from last week:

Obama 48% (+3)
McCain 42% (-4)
Margin of error: 2%

Obama 50% (+4)
McCain 44% (-2)
Margin of error: 4%

√“By the way, I’m going to be partnering up with “By the way, I’m going to be partnering up with Elizabeth Edwards, we’re going to be figuring all this out.”

Obama is smart to enlist Elizabeth Edwards, who backed Hillary Clinton’s health care plan earlier in the primary season. I believe that together, they will come up with a health care plan with mass appeal that is so strong it will put the issue out of McCain’s reach this fall.

√ Dem Fundraisers: Obama Could Raise $100 Million In June

√ In the next two weeks Barack Obama's campaign will unveil a major new program to attract younger Evangelicals and Catholics to their campaign.

It's called the "Joshua Generation Project." The name is based on the biblical story of how Joshua's generation led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

√ Despite Terrorist Smears, Obama Continues To Dole Out Dap On The Stump

√ Obama TapsFormer Clinton Aid For Economy Team

Jason Furman, a 37-year-old expert on fiscal policy, worked as a staff economist for the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton administration and also was a senior director for the National Economic Council. He has also worked at the World Bank.

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