Wednesday, July 23, 2008

McCain to counterprogram Obama in Germany with visit to Gulf Coast oil rig

This is very very pathetic.

While Barack Obama is speaking about international affairs in Germany before thousands of fans tomorrow, John McCain will be talking about a pressing domestic issue with an equally striking if very different backdrop.

Weather permitting, McCain will helicopter from Louisiana to an oil rig in the Gulf Coast to make the case for expanded off-shore drilling, says a McCain aide.

The GOP nominee will be joined by a small press pool of reporters and photographers on a trek sure to offer memorable images. Because of space constraints, Louisiana Gov. and veep prospect Bobby Jindal will not make the trip.

Since first disclosed Monday, McCain's visit to the state has been shrouded in mystery. Campaign aides have been watching weather patterns, including the path of Hurricane Dolly, closely and are hopeful they can pull off the visit.

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