Sunday, August 31, 2008

What About The Vice-President's Temperament?

John McCain apparently wanted to have a mini-me be a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency. We all recall this exchange which revealed the true nature of John McCain's character:

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: How do we beat the bitch? (Laughter)

Mccain: May I give the translation? (Laughter) That’s an excellent question.

Via commenter Fro, we learn that it's no surprise then that McCain would pick someone who has exhibited similar disregard for human decency. Here's Palin, former mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, showing off why she should have won Miss Congeniality when she was a beauty queen:

The governor's appearance on KWHL's "The Bob and Mark Show" last week is plain and simple one of the most unprofessional, childish and inexcusable performances I've ever seen from a politician. [...]

Anchorage DJ Bob Lester unleashed a vicious, mean-spirited, poisonous attack on Senate President Lyda Green last week while our governor was live on the air with him. [...]

The Daily News posted the recording on its Web site and it fired up bloggers.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner editorial writers demanded the governor apologize. The Juneau and Ketchikan papers also ran the editorial.

The Daily News opinion page addressed the governor's gaffe. They wrote "She came off looking immature herself, almost high-schoolish. It was conduct unbecoming a governor."

It was conduct unbecoming a human being, never mind a governor.

Early on in the conversation before Palin started to crack up, Lester referred to Sen. Green as a jealous woman and a cancer.[...]

Lester questioned Green's motherhood, asking Palin if the senator cares about her own kids. Palin laughs.

Then Lester clearly sets the stage for what he is about to say by warning his large audience and Palin. He says, "Governor you can't say this but I will, Lyda Green is a cancer and a b----." Palin laughs for the second time.

Or, maybe McCain isn't aware of Palin's repution as a "barracuda." After all, he only met her once before choosing her to be a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency. Perhaps he looked into her eyes and saw her soul.

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