Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Media's Coverage of Palin's Sexuality Ignores More Important Story: Biden Ten Times Sexier

By Katie Halper

The media is drooling over Sarah the beauty queen, not Palin the politician - focusing on her rack record, not her track record. This is sexist, salacious, and distracting. The media is moving the national conversation away from the issues that really affect the American people. Namely, Palin lacks the experience, preparation, and insight to lead this country. And, perhaps more importantly, Joe Biden is infinitely more boneable than Sarah Palin. Biden is the real VPILF.

Here are five moves that make Joe Biden much more qualified to be the VPILF, and if needs be, the PILF of the United States:

1) The Biden jazzy lunge. Joe Biden broke out an amazing jazzercize move from the stage on Thursday night. There are sometimes when words are inadequate. After Obama's speech, there was nothing to say; there was only something to lunge.

2) He's a smoo-oo-oo-ooth talker. Joe was a used to stutter as a child. In all fairness, I would be too if my first word (mom) was Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden. But this stutterer-recoverer outgrew his condition and is making up for lost time. He'll wow, shock, and sweet talk you for hours and hours on end.

3) He still does the "speechless and breathless" with his wife. In July, Biden said "I'd rather be at home making love to my wife" than run for President. And at the top of his speech accepting the VP nomination, Biden thanked "my wife Jill, the only one who leaves me breathless and speechless at the same time." 'Nuff said

4) The Al Sharpton Do. Joe Biden is the only candidate to even think about copying Al Sharpton's hair style. Not only does he pull off the Sharptonian coif, he rocks it better than the preacher himself.

5) He loves him mama but he's no sissy. Joe has that rare lover AND fighter je ne sais quois that is rare and that drives the ladies crazy (I speak from experience.) During his VP nomination acceptance speech in Denver, Biden told the crowd, "When I got knocked down by guys bigger than me, [my mother] sent me back out and demanded that I bloody their nose so I could walk down that street the next day." A macho mama's boy. HOT!

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