Monday, October 27, 2008

Barack Obama’s Radio Days

I came into work this morning to find the radio program I once produced, Odyssey, on the front page of Drudge. Over the weekend, someone posted audio clips on YouTube from a 2001 program we produced with Sen. Barack Obama as a guest. While we are happy to have our work in the spotlight, we want to provide full context for these remarks. Odyssey was an hour long talk show with a very conversational tone, and Obama, then a State Senator and Senior Lecturer at the U of C Law School, appeared a number of times and spoke at length on a variety of topics (we have been highlighting a number of these clips this fall here on the blog - examples, here, here and here). In the interest of full disclosure, here are links to all of the Obama appearances from the program. These lead to an archived Odyssey website with Real Audio links, so forgive the 2001 aesthetic and audio quality. We hope to get mp3s up later today.

Slavery and the Constitution Sept 6, 2001


Here’s an excerpt from the call-in segment for the Slavery and the Constitution show that aired in September of 2001. The other voices you’ll hear are the host, Gretchen Helfrich, and UIC historian Richard John.

It’s interesting to compare this academic side of Obama to the ways he articulates his political stances while campaigning for the Presidency in 2008. I hear clear differences between now and then, but I think you can still hear some the Law School academic come through on the campaign trial. What do you think?

Court and Civil Rights Jan 18, 2001

The Right to Vote Feb 27, 2001

Redistricting Apr 23, 2001

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